It’s Not Me It’s You: My Least Favorite Books of the Year!

Hello Patrons! 🙂

So, yesterday I talked about my favorite books of the year. Today we need to talk about the books I didn’t really like. Thankfully, this year I didn’t have any books that I absolutely hated. These books are just kind of boring or were bad endings to series in my opinion. I rated these all about 3 or 3 ½ stars. I’ll also get into my dishonorable mentions as well. Let’s get into it.

Okay my first book I didn’t like was The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett. This is a novella with the premise that the Queen of England becomes a bookworm thanks to a book mobile that comes to Buckingham Palace. I liked it up until the last third. The writing style changed drastically. It went from a fun story with a royal cast of characters to a boring meditation on why books are awesome. (Books are wonderful, but like it wasn’t subtle). This was my second read of 2021, and I was really pushing through it.

My next book I didn’t like was Stranger Planet by Nathan W. Pyle. I read Strange Planet the year before and thought it was hilarious. This book is the sequel to that book. I thought it wasn’t as funny as the first book. For those who don’t know about these books, it’s a graphic novel about a bunch of aliens trying to be humans. The first is very kooky.

My third disliked book is A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer. This is the last book in the Cursebreaker trilogy. I thought this was a bad ending to the trilogy. I loved the first book A Curse so Dark and Lonely and thought that A Heart So Fierce and Broken was good.  This was just boring, and the characters annoyed me. Kemmerer is writing a series that is set in the same world but with different characters. The first book to that series comes out next year.

My fourth book hurts my soul a little because it was a gift. That book is On Writers and Writing by Margret Atwood. This is the 4th book I’ve read by Atwood and was underwhelmed. On Writers and Writing is Atwood teaching readers about the craft of writing. Obviously based on the title. I prefer Atwood’s fiction a little bit better. I was just a little bored with it.

The last and final book I must talk about is The Doctors Blackwell by Janice M. Nimura. This is about the first two women to receive a medical degree to become doctors in the United States. I just was so bored. The audiobook was bad. At the end of reading this book, which I was reading for book club, I just thought what was the point? You shouldn’t have that after reading non-fiction.

Okay let’s run through the dishonorable mentions: Victoria the Queen by Julia Baird boring and again the aforementioned “What’s the point?”, Dear Justyce by Nic Stone I’m just not a Nic Stone fan this is the third book I’ve read of her and just it wasn’t for me, Ida B the Queen by Michelle Duster was boring and the audiobook was terrible, and lastly Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers which  bored me and the ending was so dragged out.

Did you read any books that you didn’t like this year? Tell me in the comments below. Take care of yourselves, get vaccinated, wash your hands, practice some self-care, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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