My December 2021 TBR!

Hello Patrons! 🙂

Am I three days late to posting my TBR for December? Yes. Do I have two weeks left in my semester. Also, yes. I decided to hop on before I go into full studying editing mode. Let’s get into it!

I didn’t get to finish The Nobleman’s Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks in November. So, I plan on finishing it soon. Also, I didn’t finish These Precious Days by Ann Patchett either, but I plan on finishing that too. I am really liking both. Nobleman’s is giving me the historical road trip vibes I didn’t know I desperately needed. These Precious Days is reminding me that Ann Patchett is a goddess to literature. She can write so beautifully! When I die Ann Patchett needs to write my obituary. Please.

Also I plan on trying to read some of the books I didn’t get to in November. Will I get too all of them, of course not! But the couple that I want to get to are Instructions for Dancing, If the Shoe Fits, and The Rose Code obviously. These still intriguing to me. November was just a crazy month. If you want a more in-depth synopsis, click the links.

The library books I want to get to are Tide Song by Wendy Xu, Thick: and Other Essays by Tressie McMillian Cottom, and Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Moldonado. Tide Song is a graphic novel about a witch in training who summons a sea dragon accidently. Thick is an essay collection about being Black in America. Fat Chance, Charlie Vega is a YA book about Charlie Vega a fat Latina who just wants to live her life. It looks cute! I also want to read Fools in Love, which is a YA short story collection.

I also just ordered a copy of I’ll Be Home For Christmas by Mason Deaver, it’s a novella with the characters from I Wish You All The Best during Christmas time. I follow Mason on Instagram and when they said this novella was going to come out in print, I immediately ordered it from Amazon. (It’s $6 y’all go order it and IWYATB!) It will be to my home tomorrow by 10pm and I plan to read it the first chance I can.

I am also listening to a ton of audiobooks: Vanderbilt by Anderson Cooper, The Bully Pulpit by Doris Kearns Goodwin, Dear America by Jose Antonio Vargas, and Passing by Nella Larson. Vanderbilt is the story of the Vanderbilt family. If you want to read about rich people being rich pick this up. The Bully Pulpit focuses on the presidencies of Teddy Roosevelt and Taft. If you’re an American history nerd, pick this up. Dear America, is a memoir about a man who is an undocumented Filipino man who becomes a reporter and then comes out as undocumented. I find Vargas’s writing style super unique and super honest. Passing is about two Black women living in Chicago in the 1920’s (Larson wrote this in 1929), one woman decides to pass as White, while the other decides to live as Black. I want to watch the Netflix movie. The book follows them and their struggles. I am also listening to When Women Invented Television off and on.

Tell me what you’re reading in the comments below. Take care of yourselves, get vaccinated, wash your hands, practice some self-care, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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