My Mid-Way Thoughts on As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson

Hello Patrons! 🙂

I am 80% of the way through As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson. I know this title says Mid-Way thoughts, but I’ve been reading this book so fast I flew past the halfway mark. I am going to talk about some broad thoughts. I am going to have a full discussion post about the full series after I finish this book. Let’s get into it.

Okay, so this book is the darkest of the series. If you’re up for some dark stuff pick this book up. The book is split up into two parts. Around the halfway mark the plot takes a left turn that I DIDN’T SEE COMING! So, the first half is mostly set up where you see Pip and figure out that she has not gotten over the events at the end of book 2. Pip has PTSD from these events. If that’s triggering to you don’t read this book. If you can handle it, I say pick this book up.

This book is the largest book of the series. This is mostly because of the set-up portion of the plot. Once the plot takes the left turn, the plot ramps up to eleven. Pip must use her knowledge from murder podcasts to save herself from something. I have been on the edge of my seat every time I pick this book up to read it. I am so excited to see how this is going to end.

The villain! Omg guys the villain was both kinda obvious and kind of not. The villain irritated me so much because they’re just terrible. (I will get more into that in my spoiler-y post about the whole series).

Some other trigger warnings: kidnapping, torture, misogyny, depictions of violence, and sexism. I will get into it in the spoiler-y post. Again, if any of this is triggering to you, read some other reviews before picking this book up.

I also wanted to mention a book that I read this week. I inhaled a middle grade graphic novel titled Garlic and the Vampire by Bree Paulsen. This is about a little magical anthropomorphized garlic named Garlic. The witch who created these living produce notices that the castle on the hill above their village is inhabited. Celery suggests that Garlic goes and investigates the matter and vanquishes the Vampire if there is one. I thought it was super cute. It’s a story about gaining self-confidence, sticking up for yourself, and giving people a chance. It’s so cute! I gave it 5/5 stars on Goodreads.

I also finished We Are Not Broken by George M. Johnson. I thought it was good, but I still favor All Boys Aren’t Blue over this book just a little bit more. I gave We Are Not Broken a 4/5 stars on Goodreads. This covers Johnson’s relationship with his cousins and brother, and their relationship with their grandma Nanny. It’s heartfelt and warm.

I also just started reading The Witch Boy by Molly Knox Ostertag. This is about a boy who lives in a family where all the boys are shapeshifters, while all the girls are witches. Aster, our main character, is studying witchery in secret. When one of his family members disappears, Aster must use his witchery powers to find them. I like it so far. As y’all know, I read The Girl from the Sea earlier this year and really liked it, so when I saw this was in Ostertag’s backlist I immediately put a hold on it. (And apparently there’s a sequel?!)

I don’t know what to read next. I will figure that out when I finish As Good As Dead. I’m in between several books to pick next. I’ll let you know what I pick up next.

Tell me what you’re reading in the comments below. Have you read any of the books I talked about today? Let me know. Take care of yourselves, get vaccinated (for both the flu and Covid), wash your hands, practice some self-care, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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