Tome Topple Round 14 Week 1 Update

Hello Patrons! 🙂

I am *just* under 50% of the way through Chain of Iron and I got some opinions (as I usually do), about some of the shenanigans that have went on.

If I spoil this book by mistake, I am sorry, I just have feelings. Let this be your warning for spoilers.

So, we finally get a demon attack and it was so anti-climactic. I hope that a) we get another demon hunter scene in this behemoth of a book and b) I am going to assume that we will get an arc with the demon hunting. (I am hoping that in Chain of Thorns we get a lot of demon hunting. I don’t know what it is but I like it).

Also, we learn more about Grace and … I still don’t have any empathy for her. Like, you don’t like your mom, why do you just continue to be like this! Girl get it together. Get some personality.  

I want to smack James around and give him a good psychological analysis. Like are you dumb?! Grace doesn’t care about you. At all. (I also want someone to break that stupid bracelet off of his wrist). Again, I hope that this changes in the last book. Please Cassie Clare!

Cordelia’s dad … got his comeuppance. He was being a *searching for a particular word* crappy person to James and then stuff happened. I also do not have empathy for him. *hand motions*

I like the subplot of Ariadne and Anna. Anna is slinky like a cat. Ariadne is … cute-ish.

Thomas and Christopher are my favorite characters. They are just such good friends to Matthew and James. (Matthew is an interesting character as well, but I am not as drawn to him.)

I am hoping to finish Chain of Iron by the end of the month. We have 2 weeks left of the month. Hopefully, it’s doable. We will see. Because I have a lot of adulting to do this week. But I have it on audio so that could help.

In non- Chain of Iron reading news, I am still liking Anna Karenina. I was nervous about books in translations because I have had some books that didn’t work for me that were in translation. But this translation is easily understandable. I am not constantly being withdrawn from the story, thinking “That’s the word they chose?” (The translation my book club chose won an award for like best translation and it shows).

I am still also reading Four Hundred Souls. I am both incredibly angry at America and incredibly sad. But that is what history is.

Let me know what your reading, or what you read this week. Are you participating in Tome Topple? Let me know. What are you planning on reading next? I am planning on reading next is Act Your Age, Eve Brown. I keep seeing that on Instagram, and am getting more excited to read it each time I see it.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask in public, practice self-care, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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