Love and Science!: My Final Thoughts on Last Night At the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo

Hello Patrons! 🙂

I finished reading Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo last night and want to gush about it real quick!
So Last Night at the Telegraph Club is about Lily Hu, a senior in High school during 1954 in San Francisco. Lily wants to go to college for math and work as a computer. During this year Lily comes in contact with prejudice against Chinese people, and discovers her sexuality.
I liked Lily as a main character, she’s wicked smart and kind. I thought all the characters were well written and complex. I thought the ending was sweet and historically accurate. (One character in particular, Shirley ended up being my least favorite character because she ended up outing Lily to her parents).
I liked the chapters of other perspectives than Lily. They helped the plot become more fleshed out. (I also liked the timeline pages).
I can’t exactly describe why I didn’t give Last Night at the Telegraph Club a full 5 stars. Something was missing. The pacing toward the end was off. But it was 2 or 3 chapters. That being said I gave Last Night at the Telegraph Club 4.75/5 stars.

If your looking for a queer historical YA book to read I say pick this up. If your like me and haven’t read any of Lo’s other books I suggest starting here and working back through her back list.
I hope you guys are doing well, this week has been insane for me. I start a new job in a week so everything’s discombobulated. Tell me what your reading in the comments below!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Stay Golden! 🙂


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