That’s All Folks!: My Final Topple Topple Round 13 Stats

Hello Patrons! ๐Ÿ™‚

So yesterday marked the end of round 13 of Tome Topple, and I wanted to talk about my stats and such. Let’s start out with the physical books I read.

Psychical Books:

I read 3 physical books in the past two weeks. (This is kind of a big deal because I usually read about a book and a half a week. So I was apparently super productive). Sadly, not all of these books were on my original TBR. Specifically those books are Every Body Looking and Anne of Green Gables: The Graphic Novel. The former is 400+ pages so I didn’t feel as bad straying from the TBR. The later was because I have no control. (I am a huge mood reader so I am not too sad about not staying to a TBR). I liked almost everything I read during this readathon. I didn’t hate anything I read which is the goal.

In total I read 1,160 pages.

Next let’s talk about the audiobooks I listened to.


I listened to 2 1/2 audiobooks during this readathon. The two audiobooks I finished in the past two weeks are Eloquent Rage by Brittany Cooper, and Navigate Your Stars by Jesymne Ward. Eloquent Rage was 6 hours and 57 minutes long. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Navigate Your Stars is only 20 minutes long. The 1/2 audiobook I listened to was 17 hours of A Promised Land by Former President Barack Obama. I really liked everything I listened to, which is a success in my book.

What I’ll Do Differently Next Time:

I can’t wait until Round 14. I have no idea when that will be, or what books will be out when Sam from Thoughts on Tomes wants to host another round. (Hopefully, it’ll be around the time that Chain Of Iron comes out. Probably not but a girl can hope!)

I think in the next round of Tome Topple I want to slim down my TBR. I had 3 books for this round on my TBR. Next time I want to have 1 physical book and 1 audiobook. This will take away all the pressure.

Reading Update:

I read a few more poems in Dearly, and another chapter in A Super Fake Love Song. I have no new thoughts. (I am not feeling as dumb as I did when I read the Rumi poetry collection! Woo). I listened to and finished Navigate Your Stars by Jesymne Ward yesterday on a hike. I also listened to another 45 minutes of A Promised Land today.

On that note, tell me what your reading or listening to in the comments below. Tell me if you participated in this round of Tome Topple. Let’s talk.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask in public, practice some self care, and…

Stay Golden! ๐Ÿ™‚


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