A Whole Lot of Nerdy Vibes Tome Topple Round 13: Days 12 & 13

Hello Patrons! ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Black Friday y’all!

As I suspected I didn’t read a ton yesterday. I read about a chapter of Super Fake Love Song and a couple of poems from Dearly (which is Margret Atwood’s newest collection of poems). I started reading Dearly Wednesday night because I got it from the library Wednesday morning, and can’t hold to a strict TBR to save my life.

I am trying to take notes on Dearly as I read it so I can have fully developed thoughts about it. I don’t read a ton of poetry for fun (the last time I read poetry was 2018 and that was for a class), so I don’t want to sound stupid. Be on the lookout for my thoughts on that. I am not hating it. Some poems made me scrunch my face up in question, some bowled me over because of the awesome word choice. (Why hasn’t Margret Atwood receive a Pulitzer or a Nobel Literature Prize I have not idea!)

Anyway, let’s get into my thoughts about Super Fake Love Song.

My Thoughts on Super Fake Love Song:

This book feels like reading a satire. The conversations Sunny has with this parents and other adults are where I feel this. I will talk about that more in my final review. I’ll find quotes.

Sunny as a character, is (as I’ve said) a GIGANTIC NERD. That’s not a bad thing. He’s a very unique character, and totally different to Frank Li in Frankly In Love. Sunny is self conscious about himself being a nerd (but also kind of not). He wants to impress Cirrus (the love interest) which is normal for a 16 year old boy.

I am interested in seeing how the character of Cirrus gets fleshed out or is given an arc. I hope that she isn’t a Manic Pixie Dream Girl (think Margo Roth Speigleman in Paper Towns by John Green). David Yoon is a better writer than that so I am not too concerned.

I am interested in seeing how Gray (Sunny’s brother) and Sunny’s relationship evolves. Gray so far is prickly. (Sunny’s parents are very surface level so I don’t have hope for their character arcs).

I love LOVE love Sunny’s friends Milo and Jamal. They are both so wonderful and there’s 0% of toxic masculinity in their group. Snaps to David Yoon for writing good male platonic relationships!

Reading Update:

Besides what I already told y’all; I listened to about a half hour of A Promised Land yesterday when I was making pecan pie crust. Still loving it of course. I am going to start listening to Navigate Your Stars by Jesymn Ward. This is a college commencement address, only about 20 minutes long. I just need something short and inspirational. I will give my thoughts on that after I finish it.

I will give my final wrap up thoughts tomorrow. I can’t believe tomorrow is the end of Tome Topple y’all! It flew by! I can’t wait until the next round. Tell me what your reading or listening to in the comments below.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask in public, and…

Stay Golden! ๐Ÿ™‚


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