Tome Topple Round 13 Day 9: Opinions!

Hello Patrons! πŸ™‚

I told you all that I started two new books yesterday, but I didn’t really expound on my opinions on said books. Well today I am going to do just that. (And that’s also what do everyday here. Lol!).

Let’s get into it!

Every Body Looking by Candace Iloh:

A brief synopsis: This is a novel written in free verse about a young black woman over her first year of college. Her father is very religious, her mother might be an alcoholic. (I am not very sure on the latter).

My opinions: I flipped through the novel and the plot isn’t super linear. Certain sections jump back and forth in Ada (the main character’s) timeline. For example, the first section is Ada’s graduation day, and then the summer before college, and then the next section jumps back to middle school. I hope that everything knits together to make sense, because often times with non-linear plots can cause some confusion (at least for me). I like Ada’s voice, I like her arrangement of poems. So far I’m still interested to see where the plot goes.

I will let you know what I think about this book as I continue to read it. I am planning on staying with this until next weekend, I don’t want to rush through it.

Anne of Green Gables Graphic Novel Adaptation:

A brief synopsis: This couple plans on adopting a boy to help with farm chores but are thrown for a loop when they get a young girl instead. The girl, Anne then ingratiates herself into their lives.

My opinions: Anne as a protagonist makes me chuckle. She is brash and sassy, but also kind and enigmatic. She reaches out and connects with people in her own special way, and I identify with her because of that. I am currently just after the part she met her “Bosom Friend” Diana. I am having a wonderful time reading this graphic novel. My one detraction is that the art style is a little goofy. What I mean when I say goofy is that it’s super unique. Nobody has irises in their eyes, just a color. That’s a little unsettling in the same way I was unsettled by The Great Gatsby graphic novel adaptation, where nobody had teeth. This is such a small thing, and I love how colorful the graphic novel is that I’m not super hung up on the lack of irises.

I am planning on finishing this on Tuesday. It’s a pretty quick so I might finish it earlier. We’ll see how I am feeling this week.

What Do I Want to Read Next?:

This being Thanksgiving week, I am hoping to have some more time to read. Seeing that this readathon ends on Friday, I think my plan for this week will be to continue to listen to A Promised Land. That’s my only concrete plan. My physical reading plans are completely up in the air. It all depends on when my copy of Super Fake Love Song comes in the mail.

In other reading news: I have DNF’d The Fire Next Time. I liked the first essay which is a letter to Baldwin’s nephew to talk about what it is like to be a black man in America in the 1960’s. A lot of the elements that Baldwin talked about where still prescient in today’s society. The other essay was about how Baldwin became religious and his life around the time of puberty. I was less invested in that essay, because I am not that religious. Also the narrator’s voice makes the essays extra depressing. I’m sorry, I am a horrible person, please don’t come for me!

Let me know what your reading or listening to in the comments below. Have you read any of the books that I mentioned above? Let me know.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask in public (!!!!!), practice some self care, and…

Stay Golden! πŸ™‚


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