Tome Topple Round 13 Day 8: (She Finished) Another One!

Hello Patrons! 🙂

I finally finished Love & Olives! I have some thoughts (as always!), so let’s get into it.

What I Liked:

The backdrop of Greece was stunning and so well written. I felt like I was there. It made me want to travel to Greece (but sadly I can’t because RONA!). One particular setting, a bookstore on the island of Santorini is so cool! It’s based on a real bookstore in Greece.

I liked Liv’s artistic nature. I would’ve liked more of that.

I liked the certain parts of the ending, I thought it was just right. Was the ending as a whole a little too cutsey? Yeah sure but the entire book is cutesy.

The element of Atlantis was interesting. Everyone in Santorini just seemed to believe that Atlantis exists, and I found that suspect, because I don’t believe in myths like that. (And also statistics wouldn’t be in favor of that). But for the plot to work people need to believe in Atlantis.

What I Didn’t Like:

Liv was such a *gestures animatedly* blah person. She kept making these rationalizations for her boyfriend Dax, who is very controlling slash slightly manipulative. Dax, before Liv goes to Santorini, kept pushing her to go to college with him when she wants to go to some where else.

Overall Rating:

I gave Love & Olives 3/5 stars on Goodreads. I felt it was just okay. If you’ve read the other books in the series I say pick this one up too.

Reading Update:

I just started the graphic novel adaptation of Anne Of Green Gables and Every Body Looking by Candace Iloh. I didn’t read Anne Of Green Gables when I was younger so I don’t know if it’s a faithful adaptation. In terms of Every Body Looking I was intrigued by the cover. I am also still listening to A Promised Land. I will let you all know my thoughts on everything as I get farther into it.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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