Tome Topple Round 13 Day 7: The One Where She Finishes Something!

Hello Patrons! 🙂

I finished Eloquent Rage today at work! As to be expected I loved it! If you like your feminism unedited, brash, and honest, Brittany Cooper is your girl. Cooper talks about White Lady Tears, other short comings of white feminism, and a host of other topics under intersectional feminism. I loved this book, Cooper drops so much knowledge on the listener I was so shook!

I recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn more about feminism, or anyone who wants to get another perspective on feminism from a lady who isn’t white (or who isn’t Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi, or Roxanne Gay). I gave Eloquent Rage a 5/5 stars on Goodreads.

I also continued to listen to A Promised Land this afternoon and am currently at 4 1/2 hours. I am learning so much about Obama’s life and am having a wonderful time. I am going to continue to chug along with that and try to take another crack at The Fire Next Time.

In physical book news I am 86% into Love & Olives and the “big thing”, AKA the major conflict, has happened. I don’t know if I am just so exhausted because of the events that have happened this week (Read: I have spent far too much time in my car!), or if I am just too old: but I am not connecting to Liv as a character. She’s just a smidge too angsty for me, and I can’t connect to the daddy issues. (We also learned some stuff about her dad that was supposed to illicit empathy but just left me scrunching my face in a Seriously? type way.) I plan on finishing the book this weekend.

I got a copy of Every Body Looking from the library, which will probably be my next read. Every Body Looking is a novel written in verse about a young black woman starting college and finding herself. We’ll see how I am feeling after finishing Love & Olives. Everything could go south in 90~ pages.

Tell me what your reading or listening to in the comments below. Are you participating in Tome Topple? Let me know.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask in public, practice some self care, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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