Tome Topple Round 13 Day 6: I’m Just Chillin’

Hello Patrons! 🙂

I sound like a broken record but I just wanted to tell you all that I still haven’t finished anything. I am about 70% through Love & Olives, and 73% of the way through Eloquent Rage. I am 3 hours into A Promised Land. (I like how Libby gives me a percentage of my reading progress in a percentage because that allows me not to do math, lol.).

I don’t have any new thoughts on anything I am reading. If your new here and want to hear my thoughts, (or don’t have enough sass in your life) check out my previous posts. I’m still liking what I said I liked, I still got issues with the stuff I have issues with.

Looking toward next week; I am planning on being productive in my reading life later in the week. (I have a tooth filling on Monday and are planning on healing for a couple days). I will probably finish Love & Olives by Monday. I will finish Eloquent Rage tomorrow at work, and will continue to listen to A Promised Land next week. What I physically read next is up in the air.

Sorry this wasn’t exciting. Major adulting happened this week which meant reading time was dramatically less.

Future Reading Plans

Next week will have more reading time. Fingers crossed! (In other news; I am so excited about getting a copy of the December 2020 issue of Vogue. Harry Styles is gracing the cover in a super pretty dress and my heart can’t handle it!) I am also still waiting for my copy of Super Fake Love Song. It is currently in snail mail world. A Super Fake Love Song will most likely be my next read. This really depends on my reading progress this weekend.

Tell me what your reading, or listening to in the comments below. What are your Thanksgiving plans? (If you celebrate Thanksgiving, if you don’t I understand!) 🙂 Let me know.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask in public, practice some self care, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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