Tome Topple Round 13 Day 4: The Good, The Bad, and the Extremely Ugly (!) Book News

Hello Patrons! 🙂

Reading update: I am still chugging through Love & Olives and just started the audiobook for A Promised Land. I am just under 60% of the way into Love & Olives and just over an hour into A Promised Land. (Spoiler Alert: Obama dedicated the book to Michelle and his daughters Malia and Sasha in a super cute way!) I am also 2 hours into Eloquent Rage and am still loving it!

I have gotten the tea spilled for me on some hot book news y’all and I need to talk to someone about it. Let’s get into it!

Let’s start with the worst and work our way to the good shall we?

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Agrees With J.K. Rowling’s Anti-Trans Sentiments

Courtesy of CNN

As many of you know from my rant a couple weeks ago, J.K. Rowling has come out saying trans women aren’t real women and other super transphobic rhetoric. Uber Feminist author/activist Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche came out and said that Rowling’s TERF-ish essay stating said rhetoric was totally fine. Adichie also said that trans women at one time had male privilege. (Yes but now they are women so they no longer have that privilege!) Adichie obviously doesn’t understand intersectional feminism. And sadly this isn’t her first anti-trans statement. Will I donate my copies of Adichie’s books, no. Will I recommend her work, maybe. The rose colored glasses have been knocked off though!

The Graphic Novel Series Heart Stopper Has Been Optioned for Possible On Screen Adaptation!

This news is apparently a year old and I don’t know how I didn’t know about this sooner! Apparently, Heartstopper is being adapted into a series by See-Saw Films. *Insert excited squealing noises* (I don’t like the synopsis of Heartstopper the article I’ve linked gives but they understand the overall vibe of the series so I’ll let it slide). So far we have no concrete news as to when the adaptation will come out, or where to watch said adaptation. I will keep you updated as I research about it. Fingers crossed that they remain faithful to the material and wait until the 4th volume is published. Y’all now how much I love this series so I am super nervous and excited I am about this adaptation!

Nicola And David Yoon Are Starting A Publishing Imprint

Courtesy of

*Excited clapping noises* I literally just heard about this this morning! Nicola Yoon (of The Sun Is Also A Star and Everything, Everything fame) and her husband and fellow writer David Yoon (who published Frankly in Love last year and just came out with Super Fake Love Song today), are starting a publishing imprint with Penguin Random House specifically for YA books by POC Authors and for POC readers. It’s called Joy Revolution and will start publishing in 2022. You bet I’m gonna be supporting them in 2022 y’all! I can’t wait.

Okay that’s all the book news currently. Life news: I’ve started watching season four of The Crown and I love it so much! I hadn’t realized how much I’ve missed the show until I started watching this season. I will give my full thoughts once I finish the season, which’ll probably be after Thanksgiving.

Let me know if you have any interesting book news in the comments below. Also tell me what your reading or listening to in the comments. Are you participating in this round of Tome Topple? Let me know.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask in public, practice some self care, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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