Let’s Travel to Greece Shall We: My Tome Topple Round 13 Day 1 Update

Hello Patrons! 🙂

Let’s start on a completely unrelated note, I finished watching the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit on Thursday evening and highly recommend it. The series is based on a novel written by Walter Tevis. A brief synopsis, Beth Harmon looses her mom in a car accident and has to live in a Catholic orphanage in southern Kentucky in the mid 1950s. While there a janitor teaches Beth how to play chess. The series then follows Beth as she becomes a chess champion and is addicted to prescription medication. I liked it, it’s not too dark or “adult” in plot points. The cinematography is wonderful, the costumes are gorgeous, the ending was fantastic. My one problem is I couldn’t for the life of me figure out the passage of time in the series. Beth looked the same for the majority of the series. I give it a solid A-.

I don’t have much of an update today so don’t have too high expectations.

Moving swiftly along…

What I’m Currently Reading…

I finished the audiobook of Romantic Outlaws last night and gave it 5/5 stars on Goodreads. If your a history buff like me pick it up! I am going to get into it more tomorrow so heads up.

I am at the 150 page mark of Love And Olives by Jenna Evans Welch. I like Liv as a character. She’s complex and interesting. Her boyfriend Dax (what that’s short for idk) is not a fun dude, but I can kinda see that he’s not going to be around much longer plot wise so I don’t mind him as much.

I currently have just over an hour left of Nobody Will Tell You This But Me. Bess’s grandma is hilarious and I’ve giggled so many times. I will probably be finished with this by tomorrow.

What’s On Deck…

I preordered Obama’s memoir, which I will start on Tuesday. My sister also preordered the audiobook so we’ll be buddy reading it together kinda. Lol. I am excited. Obama’s voice will be relaxing, which is what I need now. I also reserved a copy of the physical book which will come to me later this week.

I am going to continue reading Love & Olives and update you guys when I get to the half way point or in another 150 pages. Whatever comes first. I will give Each Of Us A Desert a go next week.

I am in the final weeks of my first semester of my graduate program so I should have more time to read. (Also The Crown season 4 starts tomorrow! Yay!). Tell me what your reading or listening to in the comments below. Tell me if you’ve seen The Queen’s Gambit too. Are you participating in this round of Tome Topple? Let me know.

Tomorrow will be a little more lively because I have a lot of thoughts (mostly rage) on Romantic Outlaws.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, practice some self care, wear a mask in public, and…

Stay Golden! 🙂


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