Shenanigans Abound!: My November 2020 TBR

Hello Patrons! ๐Ÿ™‚

I am so excited for the books coming out next month, and this week is cray so I decided to do my November TBR early. This is the list of the 5 books I am most excited to read next month. This doesn’t account for other books that tend to pop up during the month. Those I discuss as I discover them.

These are in no particular order, just how I have them written in my notebook.

Let’s get into it!

Super Fake Love Song By David Yoon

This is about mistaken identity, music, and miscommunication. The cover is stunning. Such a vibe! As y’all know I LOVED Yoon’s first novel, Frankly In Love which came out last year. I am going to preorder my copy super soon! Needless to say I am so excited to read this. Super Fake Love Song comes out on November 17th.

Love & Olives (Love & Gelato #3) by Jenna Evans Welch

This is pitched to be a fluffy contemporary, where a girl goes to Greece with her dad to research the lost city of Atlantis. Of course, the girl falls in love with a Greek dude and goes on adventures. I liked the first book in this series, really liked the second book, so I am optimistic for this book. This is another preorder for me. Love & Olives comes out on November 10th.

Here The Whole Time by Victor Martins

This is a total outlier, I just saw it today on a Goodreads list. Here The Whole Time is about this boy who just wants to have a lazy winter break; but those plans are dashed when his mother tells him that a boy from school is staying with them over break because the boy’s parents are out of the country. This book is a translation from Portuguese. I’ve never read anything translated from Portuguese before, a lot of French translations, a lot of Swedish translations. I am going to investigate and see if my library is getting a copy of this book or not.

A Promised Land by Former President Barack Obama

This will be my main audiobook for the month of November. The minute I get my Audible credit for November I am getting this book. This is the first of President Obama’s presidential memoirs. I am intrigued, even though I lived through his presidency I was 11-20 years old so like I was absorbed in myself. I just want to have some escapism with this book. A Promised Land comes out on November 17th.

The Summer of Everything by Julian Winters

This is about one dude trying to save his local bookstore, figure out what he wants to do in college, and stay afloat for the summer. The cover is stunning. I read the first chapter the night before getting my copy of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, and loled. The Summer of Everything came out in September and I got a copy from my library. This might be my next read, depending on how I feel when I finish Good Girl, Bad Blood.

I am so excited y’all! I know that I’ll discover so many other books over the course of November, but these are the books that I need to read.

Of course I have a laundry list of other books I am also excited to read in November. This is just the abbreviated list. I will keep you updated on my growing TBR. I have a huge stack of books on my book cart that I need to work through. (I have so many ideas for the month of November!)

Reading Update:

I am still liking Good Girl, Bad Blood things are starting to happen, pieces are coming together. Vampires Never Get Old is still great. My favorite story so far is Julie Murphy’s. Be on the look out later in the week for my review.

Tell me what your reading or listening to in the comments below. Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask in public, VOTE!, and…

Stay Golden! ๐Ÿ™‚


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