So Darn Cute!: My Final Thoughts on Today, Tonight, Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Hello Patrons! πŸ™‚

I stayed up way too late last night and finished Today, Tonight, Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon. It was so cute! It was just the right amount of fluffy and serious. Rowan and Neil are so so adorable. This was just what I needed after Midnight Sun.

My Non-Spoiler-y Thoughts:

I really liked that the ending didn’t go in the direction I thought it was going to, which was Neil being really macho and not wanting anyone’s help. I also liked that we didn’t have a huge fight between Rowan and her friends Kirby and Mara. They just had a conversation about their issues. Like normal humans! So refreshing.

I also liked the conversation about sex and sexuality in this book. Rowan is the more experienced of the pair and she is adamant in not having anyone belittle her for it. A lot of the times in books, male characters are allowed to be overtly sexual while female characters aren’t, so I found Rowan refreshing because of this.

Neil was just the sweetest. His nerdiness was so endearing and I loved his nickname for Rowan.

I liked the relationship with Rowan and her parents. I like how supportive they were in the end. (no spoilers!). I want another book of Rowan and Neil’s summer before college, but also not because I liked the ending being so happily ambiguous.


Rating: 5 out of 5.

Go read this book! I rated it 5/5 stars on Goodreads. I think it’s a wonderful summer-y book, I think it’s got rom-com vibes, it’s got great character growth. I can’t rave about it enough.

Reading Update:

I also started Anxious People by Fredrik Backman last night and am loving it. I kept seeing it on Instagram and was like I have to read it. I’m only on chapter 3, which is nothing because his chapters are super short. I am hoping to finish this this week, because next weekend I am going to Lake Norris Tennessee. I want to bring either The Lost Book of White by Cassandra Clare or Darius the Great Deserves Better by Adib Khoram depending on how I’m feeling. (Comment which one you think I should read!) I have the feeling I’m going to be in the fantasy mood, because that’ll be a better lake vibe but I don’t know. I’ll keep you updated.

(I am very excited and nervous because this is our first vacation post-onset of Corona. I am cautious of everything). Wish me luck y’all.

Tell me what your currently reading in the comments! Have you finished anything lately? Have you started anything new? Are you going to read Anxious People? Let me know.

Take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask when you leave your house (#WEARAMASK!!!!), and…

Stay Golden! πŸ™‚


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