Chain of Gold Update 4 (?): Crackpot theories!

Hello Patrons! 🙂 

As I said in the title, I’ve got some crack pot theories as to where this book is gonna go! Grab a seat, get a snack, turn on your listening ears on leggo!

Chain of Gold

Firstly, before my theories, I have some thoughts.

I wanna point out that the Shadowhunters in this book seem inept in comparison to other shadowhunters generations previously. A new breed of demon that can be out during the day has started attacking London and these Edwardian Shadowhunters look completely untrained and floundering.  Cordelia and James, as well as their friends looked like the Shadow hunters of TMI or TDA while everyone else flopped around like dead fish.

(Granted Tessa, Jem, and Will had the Clockwork War, and literally every other series of Cassie Clare’s has a demon war so it’s not a question of if but when a war is going to break out).

I’m sure everyone’s gonna get whipped into shape and be able to fight the demons no problem by the end of the book.

Onto the crackpot theories!

My First Crackpot Theory: Grace is secretly a demon! 

(This isn’t because I don’t like her, I have evidence). I was reading last night and she and James kissed and he said he felt like he was drowning when he kissed Grace, that’s not

edwardian girl

normal! I think she is trying to drain his essence so she can be stronger. She’s all aloof and stuff it makes total sense. Grace could also have mind control powers, (or just be manipulating) with James. They don’t seem like they like each other, they just seem like they have a duty toward each other.

My Second Crackpot Theory: James dimension traveling is going to turn out to be an asset versus a curse. 

I can just imagine James having a Rocky type montage figuring out this jumping dimensions thing, to be able to fight this new breed of demons that is plaguing London. (I don’t know how but I’m pretty sure it can happen).

My Third Crackpot Theory: Cordelia and Matthew (James’ Parabati) are going to be engaged by the end of the book causing lots of tension for Chain of Iron. 

Cordelia and James were talking before the demon attacked the picnic that Cordelia Donald Duck Gifneeds to find a suitable match to get married, to clear her families name, as discussed previously. Cordelia asked for James help finding a suitor. Matthew being James Parabati is a good choice because James can keep an eye on Cordelia, whom he has feelings for even though he says he “loves” Grace. A fake relationship thingy happened at the beginning of Lady Midnight so something could happen like that here. I do see however, something happening where Matthew and Cordelia don’t get married. Whether that be that Cordelia finds another way to clear her families name, or some other circumstance.

Some questions as I read further into the book, A) what other elements of Great Expectations are going to pop up? B) Are we going to figure out who Tessa’s Demon father was? (this could help figure out the scope of James powers). and C) What is and his buddies plans for the future? Is it going to be conducive for hope or of distruction? I think the former.

Going forward, it’s going to be a little more spoiler-y. It’s a chunky book and I don’t know how to communicate my feelings without spoiling some things. I’m going to try my best to not, but be prepared.

What are you currently reading? Tell me in the comments below!

Besides Chain of Gold I am reading Apeirgon by Colum McCann which is about an Isreali man as well as a Palestinian man who form a freindship after meeting in a grief counciling group, based on the mutual understanding of loosing a daughter to violence. I am also reading Fight of The Century: Writers Reflect on 100 Years of Landmark ALCU Caseswhich is an essay open-bookcollection where writers write about a case that is close to them, such as Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka or Loving V. Virginia edited by Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman. I’m finding this collection super enlightening. The collection features authors such as; Neil Gaiman, Jesmyne Ward, George Saunders, Jennifer Egan, Daniel Handler, Ann Patchett, Anthony Doerr, and Yaa Gyasi.

Happy reading and…

Stay Golden! 🙂 


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