Chain of Gold Update 1: Basically set up

Hello Patrons! 🙂

Chain of Gold

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

I haven’t gotten too much farther in Chain of Gold (Last Hours #1) by Cassandra Clare, but wanted to talk

about my thoughts about what I have read so far.

With it being the beginning we obviously are getting set up for the events of this book, as well as those of the next two books Chain of Iron (The Last Hours #2 coming out March 2021, and Chain of Thorns (The Last Hours #3 slated to come out in 2022). Right now were getting descriptions of the characters, who likes who, various backstories of all the characters, and reacquainting ourselves with those from TID (basically Tessa, Will, and Jem). Because this book is almost 600 pages (oof!), I fully expect more of this setting up before getting in to the good old fashioned demon hunting Cassie Clare books are known for.

So far I don’t have any favorite or least favorite characters. I find it a little weird that we are getting a lot of thing reexplained to us, because if you picked up Chain of Gold before reading everything else, your already going to be confused without these explanations anyway.

So far, I am really enjoying it, which is good because when I was reading The Red Scrolls of Magic which was a collab between Clare and Wesley Chu last spring (which is a series

edwardian girl

on Magnus and Alec,) I was underwhelmed. Could it have been because it was a collab, maybe. Will I be reading The Lost Book of White (out September 2020), and The Black Volume of the Dead (out 2021) heck yeah! (I will also be reading The Wicked Powers in 2022).

I feel silly that I waffled on even reading this book because I am having such a good time. Would I be having an even better time if I read TID in it’s entirety yes… but at this point in my life I have too many books I am more excited to read, than to feel obligated to try and pick up a series I didn’t really like. Yes you will get spoiled for TID with this book, but honestly I spoiled myself back when I was reading Lord of Shadows (TDA 2). 

If you are like I was and waffling if you should buy Chain of Gold I say go for it! It’s not like TID in the slightest. Yes they are both historical fiction series, but something about the pace of Chain of Gold is just quicker and less lugubrious to follow. (*Pats self on back for use of the word lugubrious*). I don’t know if the difference in pace is because the Edwardian era varied so differently than it’s predecessor the Victorian era (which was 341899093-650x434 - Copyvery stuffy).

I will update tomorrow as to my progress in the novel. I will try to keep it very non spoiler-y for those of you who are reading it currently, or haven’t started reading it yet.

Tell me what your reading in the comments below.

Stay safe and as always…

Stay Golden! 🙂 
